TAL evolves digital access for group Insurance members

Media Release -

TAL has launched a new digital tool to help group insurance members when applying for life insurance products.

The new 'Click to Chat' application grows TAL's Group Life digital offer and enhances the member experience when going through the underwriting process online by allowing members to message directly with TAL's tele-underwriters in real-time.

Head of Digital Jason Gracanin said the real-time engagement with tele-underwriting staff provides a seamless connection between self-service and assisted service.

"Members have different needs and levels of understanding when filling out an application form for insurance. By connecting the online with the physical world, this tool allows members to either completely self-serve or engage an expert in the process – it's their choice entirely," Mr Gracanin said.

"'Click to Chat' provides a more personal member experience by providing direct access to our tele-underwriting team. Our underwriting team can respond to simple or complex questions, allowing a member to start online, and if needed finish via our tele-underwriting team.

We are committed to enhancing the member experience and helping our partners deliver on their member promise, by providing improved access to our expert team and giving members a choice in how they engage with us.

"The journey to engage with members on their terms will continue to drive our investment in future service capabilities."

Further information:

Natalie Kitchen 02 9448 9224/0432 419 533 natalie.kitchen@tal.com.au

About TAL: The specialist voice of life insurance in Australia

TAL is Australia's largest life insurance company with leading competitive offerings in each of its core distribution channels: direct to customers; through financial advisers; and via group and workplace superannuation schemes. TAL provides more life insurance solutions to Australians than any other insurer. TAL is owned by The Dai-ichi Life Insurance Company, Limited, one of Japan's largest life insurers.

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