Life insurance for young singles

Plan for your now and your tomorrow.

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Being young and single is an exciting time. You’re free to dream big and explore, experiment with your career options, seize opportunities and build your life the way you want to live it. Life insurance may not be front of mind now, but taking out a life insurance policy early in life can have some advantages and benefits for the future you’re planning.

TAL insurance options

TAL Life Insurance is flexible and designed to grow with you, providing you with the right level of cover through all of life’s milestones. TAL offers the following life insurance products:

Do I need life insurance if I am young and single?

You’re young and healthy and the future looks bright, so you may not feel like you need life insurance right now, however you might want to consider this:

  • Do you have debt such as a student loan, car loan, or credit card balance?
  • Do you rely on your income to pay your bills and living expenses?
  • Do you plan on getting married, investing or buying a home some day?
  • Does the thought of asking your parents for support make you uncomfortable because you value your financial independence?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, a life insurance policy could be worth considering.

Benefits of life insurance for young singles

Benefits of Life Insurance for young singles

Financial independence

Being able to pay your own bills and support yourself is the first step into adulthood.

Life insurance may help empower you to maintain your independence if the unexpected happens, which can be vital if you have no one else to rely on financially.

Cover your debts

Do you have a student or credit card debt? Perhaps you’ve bought your first home and are responsible for mortgage payments.

Life Insurance can help settle your debts if you are unable to work due to sickness and illness (waiting periods apply) or you pass away or are diagnosed with a terminal illness, so your loved ones including dependents (if any) won’t have to foot the bill.

Tax friendly

You're building your career and you want to protect your lifestyle and future goals—be that marriage, home, or having kids.

You may be eligible to claim Income Protection premiums as a tax deduction if your policy’s held outside super.

Frequently Asked Questions

 The cost of your premiums will depend on a number of factors:

  • your personal circumstances—such as your age, occupation and state of health and,
  • your chosen types of insurance, cover options and cover amount(s).

Premiums are not guaranteed and can change.

We can help you save on your premiums

  • TAL Health Sense and Health Sense Plus offer premium discounts on Life, TPD and Critical Illness insurance for maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
  • Plus if you choose to pay annually you’ll get 12 months cover for the price of 11.*

Get started with TAL Coverbuilder

TAL Coverbuilder lets you build your cover, your way, and select the options that best suit your needs. You can quickly and easily get a life insurance quote to give you an idea of what your premiums might be.


* Any reduction in premiums will depend on a range of factors including, and not limited to, the product you hold and when you began your cover. A premium reduction will not apply to all products.

How much is life insurance if I’m young and single?

 The cost of your premiums will depend on a number of factors:

  • your personal circumstances—such as your age, occupation and state of health and,
  • your chosen types of insurance, cover options and cover amount(s).

Premiums are not guaranteed and can change.

We can help you save on your premiums

  • TAL Health Sense and Health Sense Plus offer premium discounts on Life, TPD and Critical Illness insurance for maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
  • Plus if you choose to pay annually you’ll get 12 months cover for the price of 11.*

Get started with TAL Coverbuilder

TAL Coverbuilder lets you build your cover, your way, and select the options that best suit your needs. You can quickly and easily get a life insurance quote to give you an idea of what your premiums might be.


* Any reduction in premiums will depend on a range of factors including, and not limited to, the product you hold and when you began your cover. A premium reduction will not apply to all products.

How to apply for life cover with TAL?

Applying is easy—just follow these five steps:

  1. Check if you are both eligible – Each life insurance product has its own minimum and maximum age limits and citizenship or residency requirements. You can find the eligibility details for each product on TAL’s product comparison page.

  2. Get a quote – Use TAL’s online Coverbuilder to get a quick and easy quote.

  3. Chat with us – Talk to one of our consultants who can assist you with any questions you may have about the cover.

  4. Check the details – Review your quote and the Product Disclosure Statement. Customise your policy by adding extras and tailoring your premiums.

  5. Confirm and pay – Once you’re happy, confirm and pay your first premium and we’ll send you an email with the details. You’re all covered!

Can you have multiple life insurance policies?

In Australia, you can have multiple life insurance policies that serve to protect different areas and events in your life.

For example, you could take out a Life Insurance policy to protect your beneficiaries (or any dependants you may have) if you pass away, and then take out Critical Illness, Total and Permanent Disability (TPD) and Income Protection insurance to financially protect your way of life from loss of income as a result of temporary or permanent disability while you’re still living.

Any financial product advice is general in nature only and does not take into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. Before acting on it, the appropriateness of the advice should be considered, having regard to your own objectives, financial situation or needs. If you are deciding whether to acquire or continue to hold life insurance issued by TAL, you should consider the relevant Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) before making any decisions about your cover. The Target Market Determination (TMD) for the product (where applicable) is also available. Life insurance issued by TAL Life Limited ABN 70 050 109 450 AFSL 237848.
Terms and conditions under each insurance policy apply. The payment of a benefit is not guaranteed, as cover will only be payable if your circumstances meet the eligibility criteria in your policy.

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