TAL makes good Health Sense for Advisers
2017 -As the life industry continues to evolve, and a refined focus around the alignment of health and life insurance strengthens, we are excited to launch TAL Health Sense: Fit for Life.
TAL General Manager, Retail Distribution Niall McConville said the program has launched with a simple lifetime discount that rewards clients for thinking sensibly about their health.
“TAL Health Sense is about being sensible and simple. We want advisers to be able to have meaningful conversations with their clients about the benefits of good health, and this offer provides an automatic discount of 7.5% for clients who fit within a specific BMI range and up to 15% with bundled products”, Mr McConville said.
It is also a positive incentive for clients who would like to improve their health and be rewarded.
“We’ve made this program simple because we know how complicated life is already. So clients don’t need to sign-up, pay, track or record to get access to the Health Sense discount. It is a policy for life and there is no need for annual check-ups.
The TAL Health Sense: Fit for Life program will continue to evolve with initiatives and other health metrics but will remain simple for clients to be encouraged and rewarded for good health.
To support advisers in having health conversations with their clients and also embrace changes in the industry, TAL has partnered with Paul Taylor who will provide tools and insights for these discussions.
Paul Taylor is Executive Performance Coach at The Body-Brain Performance Institute. He is a former British Navy Aircrew Officer, an Exercise Physiologist, Nutritionist, Neuroscientist and Research Professor at The University of San Francisco.
“We are delighted to work with a leading expert to help advisers deal with new challenges and maximise the opportunities it can bring.
“Accepting change is the first step, seeing the future possibilities beyond that is a different journey.
“The truism that the only constant in life is change doesn’t make it any easier to transition. Partnering with Paul Taylor will help us, and advisers, approach upcoming industry change with positivity and uncover new possibilities about what this industry can offer clients – such as conversations around health and lifestyle,” Mr McConville said.
As part of the partnership with TAL, Paul will feature in upcoming TAL roadshows around the country, designed to give advisers insight into embracing change and the benefits of holistic wellbeing.
“During the TAL Health Sense roadshow, Paul will help advisers understand how we can tackle the decisions that precede change. He also provides tools to make changes smaller and more manageable in order to achieve the desired outcome. Making significant change can be challenging, but broken down into small achievable steps is empowering,” Mr McConville said.
Sometimes it’s not easy to have conversations related to health and lifestyle, but Health Sense provides a new opportunity for advisers.
“We believe TAL Health Sense puts the client at the centre of the conversation and enables advisers to draw a significant link between their client’s financial fitness as well as their physical and emotional fitness. Ultimately, advisers help their clients achieve their desired Australian lifestyle and TAL is committed to protecting that lifestyle.”